mlm business

8 Steps To Supercharge Your MLM Business

Would you like some tips on how to supercharge your mlm business?  Maybe you’ve gotten to a point where you feel a little stuck and need some advice.

Today, I’ll share some steps you can take to give your business the boost it may need.

Heads Up:

In case you missed it, Wednesday night we had Ray Higdon come in and train thousands of entrepreneurs on how to effectively prospect, recruit, and monetize!!  As someone who went from foreclosure to multi 7 figure earner, he knows what he’s talking about.  For a limited time, you can catch the replay here!!  Be sure to grab a pen and paper!

8 Steps To Supercharge Your MLM Business

  1. Personal Growth

Remain a lifelong learner and student.  Be mindful of what you’re reading and ask yourself if it’s serving your purpose.  Listen to audio books,sherri brown podcasts, and attend events that will cause you to grow.  Get around people who are going in the direction that you want to go in.  Surround yourself with those who are more consistent, more skilled, a better leader and by doing so, you will become more yourself.  I recommend at least 30 minutes a day.

2. Work On Network Marketing Skills

Finding prospects, Inviting, Presenting, Follow-up, Closing, Getting people started, promoting events, and marketing are all skills you can improve on.  Set in motion a strategy to do this and you’ll be amazed at how far you’ll come in a year!

3. Focus On Product or Service

You’ve got to be a passionate advocate for what you’re promoting.  If it’s a specific product, use it, train on it and be able to talk about the benefits.  If you’re not, it’s going to be hard on you to convince others to use it.

4.  Time Management

Have you ever heard the saying that you can’t manage time, only activities?  You’ve got to be willing to treat your business like a job!  Set weekly hours and decide what you plan to do during that time.  There is a big difference in being busy and being productive so plan ahead.  If you’re working full time or have other obligations, work in 15 minute increments.  You’ll be amazed at how much you can get done if you’re laser focused on what you’re doing.  You’ll notice that really successful people are extremely protective of their time and you won’t see them wasting it by mindlessly surfing on social media or playing candy crush (just saying).

mlm business

5. Consistent Daily Method of Operation

Consistency is KEY to growth!  Therefore, creating a consistent baseline of activities that you do on a daily basis is extremely important.  A few suggestions are personal development (at least 30 minutes), creating one piece of value driven content (could be a blog post, video, status update, etc), and income producing activities.  If you are not connecting with people and getting eye balls on your presentation, your business will NOT grow.  So go out there, strike up conversations, connect with those who like and comment on your content, and see how you can help them.  

Think about where you’ll be in a year if you commit to this (even if only a hour a day).

6. Duplication Strategies

Take complex issues and simplify them.  Use tools and resources created by your company and if there aren’t any, create them.  I remember in my last company I was having to explain and go over a lot to new business partners.  I then created a powerpoint that went over where everything was located in the back office, important phone numbers, where to start their training, etc. and that simplified the process and created duplication when new reps joined.  I then told them when they brought someone on to send them that same powerpoint.  Make sense?

7. Events

Top earners are event promoting machines and it’s the fastest shortcut to creating a higher income.  These could be annual conventions, regional, local, or home events.  Getting to these meetings, having personal interactions with others will build bigger beliefs, motivate and inspire you.  Always look to see when the next event is and encourage your team to get there.  I honestly haven’t came across a top earner who did not attend these.  

8. Success Loves Speed

mlm businessAt some point you have to go nuts and occasionally go high intensity.  This could mean taking a week and calling 200 people or send a ton of messages.  Take a day, go out and meet as many people as you can.  Go on a blitz to where you’re doing a video everyday for 30 days.

The energy and intensity of creating this type of momentum can make a big difference.  I encourage you to be bold and do what most people won’t do.   

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂

Was that helpful?  If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit.


txt me @ 731-926-6412


Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Sherri Brown Coaching

P.S. If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An ONLINE Marketing Blueprint In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!

16 thoughts on “8 Steps To Supercharge Your MLM Business”

  1. Everyone loves a good talk, but you’re obviously living proof of what happens when. our apply the principles. BOOM! Great set of principles. Thx.

  2. Personal growth is soooo important! If you’re not growing, your business isn’t either! And getting around people (going to events) is definitely a game changer for business owners! AWESOME post Sherri!

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