MLM Tips

MLM Tips: Is Your Success Determined By Your Upline?

Do you feel that your success or lack of is determined by your upline or sponsor?  I’ve seen and heard many people talk about this and say that, “If only my upline were more helpful,” or “If only I had a better upline then I could create more success.”  I’m sure you’ve heard it or maybe have felt that way a time or two, right?  

More Resources:

Setting Expectations in Network Marketing

How to Create More Duplication in Your Business

MLM Tips:

Keep in mind that one of the biggest factors in regards to failure is entering the Network Marketing profession with the wrong expectations.  This is something that can be prevented and corrected by asking your prospects what their expectations are.  Now, some things dealing with this can be the blamed on your sponsor but definitely not all of them.  If you’re not sure what to expect coming into the industry, you can check out the blog post above on expectations.  

Be sure as a sponsor that you have a system in place that can be easily duplicated.  This could be in the form of a New Consultant Training, Fast Start, really anything that will cover the basics.  Although my network marketing company has training for new reps, I put together my own that covers everything someone would need to know and where to find it.  This is what duplication is all about.  It saves me time trying to explain everything that most likely they won’t remember and allows them to review it and refer back to it as often as they need to.      

Now, a sponsor most definitely can have an influence and actually hurt your duplication if they are constantly pushing and promoting 50 different things to you each week.  This is especially true for the vast majority of people who can only focus on one thing at a time.    

With that being said, your sponsor is not responsible for how many people you’re prospecting or how many eyeballs you’re getting on the presentation each week.  They are not responsible for how many people you recruit into the business either.

MLM Tips  

Overall, I’m a firm believer that although it is your sponsors responsibility to get you off to a fast start in regards to knowing what you should be doing up front, ultimately it is up to you and you alone to go out there and be successful!!  

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂

Did you find this helpful?  If so, please comment below and share it with your team so they can benefit too.

txt me @ 731-926-6412


Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

(731)926-6412  (call/text)

P.S. Don’t forget to Click Here to Get My FREE Top Earner Success Guide

Also, if You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and You Don’t Have An Online Marketing Strategy In Place, Click Here for Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!


20 thoughts on “MLM Tips: Is Your Success Determined By Your Upline?”

  1. Great points Sherri! I’ll add that the great thing about many MLM companies is that you can get help from many different leaders in that company.

    They key is to take action when they offer advice. The more you take action the more help you will get for leaders in your business.

  2. You’re spot on here Sherri, great insight. A lot of us feel this way when entering the profession, I didn’t have the option of feeling like this since my upline wasn’t making any money, but I saw the power in the business model.

    Never compare yourself to others and you’re right about excuses coming from people who are in that habit. This is one of the only industries where someone brand new can out earn a long serving person, all based on personal productivity.

    Thanks for encouraging me to take more responsibility in my business!

    1. You’re welcome Kay and you’re definitely right about the potential in this industry. If you’ve got determination and a vision, the sky is the limit!

  3. Your post is right on point Sherrie. So many people enter network marketing with the wrong expectations .

    Your sponsor is there to guide you, not to do the work for you. we each must take responsibility for our success.

  4. Great points Sherri, I believe we can do a better job in our industry by setting proper expectations with new reps coming into this profession. I think most of the time leaders are scared they might scare the new recruit. It’s still better to be upfront in the beginning. Another great post!

  5. Great tips! You are so right when people enter into business with the wrong expectations. I know I did and I failed in the beginning because my upline didn’t ask me what my expectations were. I didn’t even know what I truly wanted and that’s where I was stuck for such a long time.

    This is a post I know will help every network marketing professional

    Dr. Lisa

  6. You nailed it with the wrong expectations. People become drawn in by the $$ but they’re never told about the hard work that goes into it.


  7. Love how you teach people clarity on how to move in the right direction with their business Sherry. You show people how to become leaders in their own wright. 🙂

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