
MLM Success Tips: Why Most Don’t Create Momentum

Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, you just can’t create any momentum?  I’ve totally felt that way on more than one occasion and therefore today, I wanted to share some mlm success tips on why most don’t create momentum. 

More Resources:

Free Download: The 4 Biggest Mistakes Home Business Owners Make

MLM Tips: Why every entrepreneur needs a mentor

4 Success Tips for life and business

Why Most Don’t Create Momentum In Their Business

I was listening to a video from Todd Falcone on this topic and it was so true and powerful that I couldn’t not share it with you.

So, the number one reason why most don’t create momentum is because you’re constantly in the stop and start mode.

You’re hot one week, you’re cold the next, you are taking action for a few days, and then you’re taking a step back, you’re making those connections, and you’re talking to the people, and all a sudden what happens, you take a few days off. 

You are not consistent with what you’re doing. And that is the biggest reason why people cannot create a momentum in their business, is because they’re simply not being consistent. 

This is exactly what happened to me in the beginning of my own career.  I would be working hard, and then, something would just take me out of the game, my mindset wasn’t right. I would get discouraged, I would get frustrated, I would get overwhelmed.  Can you relate?

How To Create Momentum

#1 You have to make the decision that you’re going to do this, no matter what.

You have to decide whether you are in this or whether you’re not. If you want to create any type of success, you cannot be hot one minute and be cold the next, because you will never be able to create any type of long-term success. 

Life’s gonna happen. I‘m a mother to a toddler, I am a wife, I have a household to run, I’ve got five animals, you know what I mean?  Life’s happens but if you continue to do something every single day and I don’t care how small it is, you will start to see things pick up!  

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂  

Was that helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit.

txt me @ 731-926-6412


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P.S. If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An ONLINE Marketing Blueprint In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!

8 thoughts on “MLM Success Tips: Why Most Don’t Create Momentum”

  1. What an awesome post Sherri!

    Stop start mode had killed my momentum in my biz MANY times. Since I have made it a point to take daily action towards my biz… Things have blown up for me! Sounds like you too!

    Keep it up lady! Always such an inspiration, and lots of great nuggets in your articles 🙂

  2. Love this subject Momentum! It starts with you… and being consistent you create momentum in your team as they do what you do and not what you tell them to do. Thanks Sherri!

  3. Yes, this was very helpful. I don’t seeing a lot of anything in my business right now, but I continue to take consistent daily action. I’ve heard from top leaders, just keep doing what you’re doing! I believe you guys. Thanks for the encouragement Sherri.

  4. Great post Sherri!

    Your post reminded me of what one of
    my mentors Dr. Doug Firebaugh said to me
    last summer…

    When you make the decision that there is No Other Possible
    Outcome success is yours! #NOPO

    Dr. Lisa

  5. Wow this was a great one Sherri. After being in this industry for almost 17 years we’ve seen so many people come and go who don’t even give their business time to flourish to even see any type of momentum at all. This isn’t a stop and go then stop and go process, it’s a take massive action consistently process and you’ll have no choice but to achieve success. Great share Sherri

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