How to Stand Out in a BST Group on Facebook

Have you ever tried posting in a BST (buy-sell-trade) group on Facebook?  The truth is, most people posting aren’t generating leads and sales because it all seems to be the same spam fest going down which in turn does nothing but suck your time and energy.

However, you CAN stand out and that’s what this article is all about…. How to stand out in a BST Group on Facebook. 

How to Stand Out in a BST Group on Facebook

One lady messaged me through email and she said that she posted a before-and-after picture in a Buy Sell Trade group with the product, the price, and some information about a particular product in her network marketing company.

Somebody responded by posting a comment under her post saying, “Get this nonsense out of these groups.  No one wants your direct marketing schemes.”   Then she asked me, “What do you suggest I do? Ignore it, respond back, give them facts?  My first thought was to ignore it but at the same time I wanted to correct this person’s ignorant statement. Help.”  

I’m going to tell you exactly what I told her because I think this is very important and a lot of people call these Buy Sell Trade groups, spam groups and pitchy groups. 

So when it comes to how she should handle it, first I told her just to ignore it.  And if you can’t ignore it, you don’t want to get defensive.  It’s like that saying, “You can’t say the wrong thing to the right person and you can’t say the right thing to the wrong person.”  This person obviously has a very bad taste in their mouth when it comes to network marketing.

So, getting defensive or trying to throw facts into the comments is a waste of your time and it’s not going to do anything.  I did tell her that if you do want to respond to this person’s comment, the best thing you could do is just say, “Hey, you know this is a Buy Sell Trade group.  I did read the rules.  They do allow you to actually talk about network marketing products but if you don’t like what I’m putting out, feel free to keep scrolling.”

What I mean is, it’s not you getting defensive like posture up a little bit. Don’t let somebody walk all over you but at the same time, don’t sit here and throw up facts because that’s not going to do anything.  It’s ineffective.

The second thing to do is you also have to understand that a lot of people are turned off when it comes to network marketing because of the way network marketers are running their businesses. 

Very important and you definitely want to remember that.

One thing network marketers lack is the marketing part itself.  Network marketing companies don’t teach you how to market and I know this because I was with four different companies for the first four years of my career where I was a total spammer. 

Those companies teach you how to talk about the name of your product, spamming everywhere and that is the problem.

That’s why so many people have a bad taste in their mouth when it comes to network marketing. Same thing with this person.  Obviously, this one had seen a lot of people just pitching and promoting which is exactly what this post was. 



Four tips to gain more attraction

Now, I want to give you four tips on how to gain more attraction and be way more effective if you actually want to post in Buy Sell Trade groups or any groups on Facebook.


Tip #1 – Be a person of value

Instead of putting up a pitchy post that’s just going to turn people off, what you want to do is you want to be a person of value.  You can do that by teaching.  See most people in those Buy Sell Trade groups are doing nothing but 99.9999% pitching.   



So if you go in there with a different strategy and you go in there to teach and be a person of value, that’s how you’re going to stand out in those groups and you start attracting people to you versus repelling them.  Most people are just scrolling and they’re scrolling in those groups because they’re immune to the pitches.  Go in there to teach and go in there to be a person of value.

Tip #2 – Share stories

If you want to sell more products and you want to gain a little bit more attraction, start learning how to share stories.  It’s like the whole saying, “Facts tell, stories sell”.  Share your own story. If you don’t have, find stories of other people whose products have helped other people.  But do that without mentioning the company name, without mentioning the company products, and “Lord help me,” don’t mention or post a price.

Why?  Because most people probably will not understand the fact – how long your products last, how many products are included?  You know what I mean?

So if you lead with the price most people are going to stop right there because all they see is a number.  They aren’t seeing value, right?  So, definitely this is something you want to keep in mind.



Tip #3 –  Create curiosity

Curiosity is your best friend. I’m going to give you an example. When it comes to my network marketing company products, I’m definitely not known for a health and wellness person. I’m known for marketing, branding and productivity. 

What I do is I’ll sprinkle in some curiosity post here and there like from my profile. What I do is I post a picture of the product itself. 

It was three little capsules, but I edited out where they could not see the name of the product. All they could see is the benefits that it boosts your metabolism, it gives you more energy, that it blah blah blah.

So I mix those two when I share a story but I also create curiosity.  And at the end, all I simply did was say, “Hey, if you’re open to hearing about what this is or you want to learn more, let me know I’ll be happy to give you a $10 off coupon.”

So what that did?  One post has already gotten me generating a ton of leads. I’ve already added six new customers to my network marketing company from one post.

So create curiosity, why?  Because you don’t want them go to good old Google which is what exactly they will do if you put up your company name and your product. They’re going to Google it and they might find something negative about it.

So, do you want to force people who have an interest to reach out to you?  Be stingy with your link. Be stingy with your company name.  Be stingy with your product name. Force people to reach out to you, okay?

Tip #4 – Go to serve people. 

Your new mantra should be: serve more, sell less; serve more, sell less.  If you serve more people and you stop selling, I guarantee that your sales will skyrocket it.

This is exactly what I did in my first month when I joined a new network marketing company after I’d swore it off for like a year.  And what happened was my very first month from creating curiosity, sharing stories, sharing just curiosity type post, sprinkling it in, I became number one in all of North America and customer acquisition. 

But people don’t know what they don’t know.  And this is something that I struggled with for four years, that’s why I’m so passionate about teaching it.  

I went from nobody knowing my name, not making any money to six figures in two years, doing what I’m teaching you right now.  You just have to remain a student, and you got to trust me on this.  You have to learn how to stand out.  Don’t go and join 50 Facebook groups just so you can plaster all your crap in there. That’s just going to be a waste of your time. 


Pick a few groups like two to three groups that you’re going to be active in every week. 

  • Go in there to answer questions  
  • Go in there to serve
  • Go in there to post tips

Because that’s going to attract you to people.  They’re going to be like, “Dude, who is she, who is he? I want to know who this person is; she’s bringing in so much value to my life.”  

So when they go to your profile, guess what happens?  They start seeing your awesomeness.

It’s very important once you do start getting people to your profile that you’re not turning them off right out of the gate.  Understand also that if you don’t have that “know, like, and trust” factor, if people don’t know you, don’t like you, and don’t trust you, they will never buy from you.  So you definitely want to make sure that you have a profile set up to attract people, right?  

I did write an epic blog post with pictures and videos teaching you exactly how to set up your profile to really attract people and generate leads. So if you want to know more about that, what you want to do is just head on over to

Was this helpful?  Is there anyone else you know that is struggling in this area and could use some pointers too, share this with them so they too can increase their sales. I promise, they’ll thank you for it. 

More Resources to Rock Your Marketing & Crush It Online:


Dotcom Secrets:  This book is a gold mine!  It’s a shortcut for sure when it comes to really understanding how to grow and scale your business online.  






Are You a Part of My FB Community Yet?  If not, Get Access HERE where I’ll be taking you back to the basics on building your foundation then moving into more leveraged strategies like List Building (this is a must as it’s one of only two things you own and control!) 




Social Media Marketing & Branding Simplified.  This is my signature course where we dive deep into how to actually grow your business on social media without feeling like that icky salesperson.  You’ll learn not only your foundation but how to attract people to you!  Can I get a “Heck Yes!”

Related Posts:



Facebook Groups: Should You Welcome New Members?

MLM Tips: 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Post Your Company Name on Social Media

Types of Facebook Groups You Can Create


The Tools I Use To Build My Business: 

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use, so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂 







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P.S. If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An ONLINE Marketing Blueprint In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!

4 thoughts on “How to Stand Out in a BST Group on Facebook”

  1. I must have tried this in the wrong groups because all I got, apart from people tacking their ads onto my post, was other network marketers pitching their company to me.
    I’ve even looked at their business & when I said “here’s mine” they haven’t even looked.
    Your tips are solid Sherri as they always are.

  2. You’re right, Sherri! A lot of network marketers are unaware that they’re driving away and turning off many prospects because of their wrong approach which they probably didn’t even know in the first place.

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