Have you ever came across someone who was skeptical about the Network Marketing Industry? Chances are you have and honestly, I’ve learned people just don’t know what they don’t know. I’ve found many people to be naturally skeptical about an industry they haven’t taken the time to actually research or maybe they know someone who knows someone who didn’t get rich overnight (you know I’m right about this one, haha).
Today, maybe I can help you overcome a few objections with these simple reasons why I feel that Network Marketing is the better choice.
10 Reasons to Choose Network Marketing
- Lifestyle. The first reason (and most important in my opinion) has everything to do with being able to create the Lifestyle you
want! I remember being in Corporate America and only getting two weeks off a year for vacation. Everything you wanted to do had to be planned around those two weeks or the one or two days during the week you get off. I had NO time freedom and this is what I love most about network marketing. Just yesterday, my parents had to go out of town so my daughter and I decided to go and we made a pit stop at the zoo. We both rode a camel for the first time. She got to feed a giraffe and overall we just had fun making memories. This was just a spur of the moment trip that wouldn’t have been possible had I still been in the workforce. Time is precious and it’s something you can never get back so I encourage you to consider what your time is worth to you!!
- Residual Income which is the key to long term financial freedom and that is absolutely possible inside of Network Marketing. If you’re like me and went to college for what seemed like an eternity (8 years for me), you get out and find a job (you do this even without a college degree) and you get paid by trading your time for money! Even if I had worked my way up the corporate ladder, I would have never truly had financial freedom. Sure, my bills were paid but do you have any significant amount left over for other things?? If you stop working in corporate america guess what happens, you stop getting paid! However, with Networking Marketing, you can continue earning money, residual income that keeps growing and growing, even in your sleep!!!
- Safety. Corporate America is not as safe as it once was in regards to job security. When I was in the financial industry, in an effort to save money, they went through and did a mass layoff. I saw people who had spent a good portion of their lives working for this corporation, only to be let go because of budget cuts. Something else to factor in is the exponential growth in our population. This will cause an even greater problem as more and more people enter the workforce and not enough jobs to meet the demand. THIS is a reality and if you honestly feel like your job is secure, you might want to think again. The beauty of the Network Marketing industry is that the ONLY way you will get fired is if you quit, period!
- The Internet. We live in the Information Age now, as companies like Amazon, Facebook, and others have drastically changed the way we do business. There has never been a better time to start your Home Based Business as the internet has allowed you to connect with thousands with the simple push of a button. I’ll be honest in that I don’t have a large local customer base. The majority of my Network Marketing business has been built online, from a cold market!! This is powerful!
- The ability to Double Your Income. If you own a home based business, it’s not that difficult to double your customer base over a years time (maybe even more) which then allows you to double or triple your income from one year to the next. In corporate america, the average pay raise from one year to the next is only about 2%.
- Rewarding. In Network Marketing, to become successful, you must help others become successful. I can say it’s extremely
rewarding to help other people get what they want out of life!! When you know that you have something that can help so many people and then watch their vision start to unfold, the feeling is something hard to describe.
- Retire Rich or Poor. I know someone in the insurance industry and I’ve heard him on many occasions talk about how his clients come in to speak with him about planning for retirement and the vast majority do NOT have enough money to live comfortably even after working their entire lives. Most who retire will end up on assistance or having to have family help them get by. This is NOT freedom! Inside of Network Marketing, you can create financial freedom that continues to grow.
- Freedom to work with Who you want, Where you want! Can you think of a time when you had to work with employees that were just a big drag? Maybe they were negative, hateful, annoying, whatever the case maybe. The beauty of Network Marketing is that you have the option to choose who YOU want to work with. I personally won’t work with just anyone and that’s because I don’t have to. I don’t prospect everyone within a foot of me and when I’m prospecting (especially online) if they seem negative or nasty (as in attitude) then I will not even try to reach out. I love being able to surround myself with positive, fun, like-minded people.
- Tax Breaks. I’ve heard so many talk about how they don’t have the money to join Network Marketing (I find very few actually don’t have the money). What I don’t think a lot of people realize is that by joining a Network Marketing company, it will actually save you money. This is because there are great tax incentives for home based business owners. Think about all those things that are used when working from home: your cell phone, your car, meals out, office supplies, rent (if you have an office at home), all those can be used as tax deductions and that my friends can equal huge savings!
- Equal Opportunity. I’ve found that this industry is the most equal opportunity employer on the planet! Just ask yourself if you’ve ever felt discriminated against when either applying or interviewing for a job? Maybe you under-qualified, over-qualified, too young, too old, and the list goes on.
The Tools I Use to Build My Business:
- My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you! Enjoy 🙂
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txt me @ 731-926-6412
Email: Sherri@SherriBrownCoaching.com
Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Sherri Brown Coaching
P.S. If you’re not currently with a Network Marketing Company and you’ve been looking for a vehicle to create more freedom, Click Here.
If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and You Don’t Have An Online Marketing Strategy In Place, Click Here for Access. (Unless you have too many leads already).
Awesome post Sherri thanks
You’re welcome! I’m glad you liked it. 🙂
Thanks for Posting such a wonderful article sherri, may God bless you Always!
Appreciate this post. Let me try it out.