Have you ever found yourself complaining about your sponsor or upline? Well, you wouldn’t be the only one as I see and hear a lot of people upset that their sponsor isn’t helping them the way they feel they should. That’s why today, I’d like to share some mlm tips on the role of a sponsor. Take note that this is my personal/professional opinion and you may not agree with everything but that’s ok.
More Resources:
Tips To Becoming A Better Leader
Is Your Success Determined By Your Upline?
What To Do If Your Upline Stinks
- If you don’t feel that you’re getting any support or guidance from your upline, don’t be afraid to go above them. Reach out to other leaders and try to find out who you can get support from. If you’re not sure who is above them, contact your company and they should be able to guide you in the right direction.
- Do what you can to get to company events. By doing this, it will allow you to meet other leaders that you can begin building a relationship with. Most wouldn’t mind you tapping into their training or local meetings.
- Keep in mind that even if you don’t like your sponsor, it’s no excuse to not have success. Ray Higdon asks the question, “Are you an independent business owner or just a number in someone’s downline?” If you’re serious about building a business, know that only you will be able to create the success you want.
Steps To Take After You Have Sponsored Someone
As a sponsor, there are certain steps that you should take after enrolling someone into your opportunity.
- If they are on social media, be sure to welcome them to the team. This could be on your personal page or team page (whichever you prefer) but people love to feel welcomed.
- Send them new consultant training. This could be training that the company created or you but it’s important to get them off to a fast start. Although my company has training for new reps, I created my own powerpoint which included where to find the company training, contact information for different departments, information on where to find people to talk to, and much more. I’ll also tell them that when they sponsor someone to send them that same training (this is where duplication begins). I would advise against training over the phone for a couple of reasons. The first is that it isn’t duplicatable and the second is that no one will ever remember 100% of what you say but they can refer back to training/videos as often as they want. For example, don’t spend an hour on the phone telling them how to run a home meeting when they will likely forget. Instead, shoot a video and refer them to that.
- One suggestion I read and thought was a great idea was to include some marketing strategies if they plan to grow their business online. It’s
important to share with them things they shouldn’t be doing as well, such as spamming and constantly posting their links everywhere. This is one area that can drastically impact someone’s online reputation so help them save face by guiding them in the right direction.
- Have a strategy call with them. You should already know what their goals are so if they are wanting to build a big business, give them homework, ask them when they feel they can complete it by and then set a follow up appointment to go over their results. This is a great way to test them on their coach-ability as well.
- Be sure to promote company events. By getting your team to these events, it will allow them to build their belief which is so important! The more belief a person has, the more they’ll want to work. When they start hearing success stories they will begin to see what’s possible and will be less likely to quit when things get a little tough.
- Meet them where they are! If your new person does not want to build a big business like you, be ok with that. There are many people who simply want to be product users and you don’t want to push them away by trying to force them to do something they don’t want to do.
Is Your Sponsor Responsible For Your Success?
In the video below, I share with my thoughts on this topic.
The Tools I Use to Build My Business:
- My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you! Enjoy 🙂
Was that helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit.
txt me @ 731-926-6412
Email: Sherri@SherriBrownCoaching.com
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P.S. Don’t forget to Click Here to Get My FREE Top Earner Success Guide.
Also, if You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An Online Marketing Strategy In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)
See Ya Next Time!
Awesome post Sherri! My very first sponsor was horrible! But I soon learned that it was not about them but about me and the work I put into it. =)
Thank you April! I have felt the same way in a past company but you’re right, I quickly learned it was about me.
Great post! I learned a long time ago that you get into something what you put into it. YOU are the one that is making it or not making it. It’s all up to you.
Thanks Wilma and you are exactly right!
Love the post Sherri. Clearly lays out the responsibilities of a sponsor
Thank you Phil!
Awesome post today Sherri…. if my upline stinks… 🙂 we’ve all gone through that at one time or another…. i love the quote “If it’s to be it’s up to ME.”…. thanks for sharing this Sherri…. I bet you are a great upline…
Thanks Ron! That’s a great quote you shared! I definitely try to be the best leader I can be. 🙂
Great post, thanks!
Thank you Erin.
Love that quote by Ray Higdon! That made me do a double take.
Great post!
Dr. Lisa
Thanks Dr. Lisa and yes, I loved that quote!
Awesome post Sherri. Love the post.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Mansi!
Great post Sherri. Thanks for showing how to be a good sponsor even if yours isn’t.
You’re very welcome Collin, thanks for your comment.
So If I don’t like my Sponsor why should I work my tail off to build my business and allow the company to pay a % to my Sponsor for all the work that I’m doing or have done. This where I get in a bind.
I totally get where it can be a struggle but I definitely wouldn’t let someone else keep me from reaching my goals. On another note, could you not be re-directed to someone else’s downline?