places to find prospects

MLM Tips: 10 Places to Find Prospects

Have you ever been frustrated or discouraged because you just didn’t know where to find prospects to talk to about your business?  I’ve seen this question come up from a ton of different people in Network Marketing and I understand how you feel.  The good thing is that after you read this post, you should be good to go on places to find prospects online and offline, so let’s dive in!

10 Places to Find Prospects:

  1. Warm Market: Now this probably seems like a no-brainer but this is the best place to start when you’re just joining a network marketing company.  Warm Market includes your friends, family, and people you know.  Get out a piece of paper and start writing down all of your friends and family, go through your phone, think of people you went to high school or college with, etc.  Chances are you have not contacted everyone on the list.  
  2. LinkedIn:  It took me a long time to hop on the LinkedIn train but the fact is this is where the majority of professionals are hanging out.  I make an attempt to connect with 10+ new people a day (now they might not all accept my invitation and I may or may not prospect that person) but the point is that I’m building my network.  What I like about this platform is that at the very top of the page (look at the picture below), you can type into the search box exactly what you’re looking for.  For example, if you type in “seeking opportunities” it will pull up all of the people who are in fact searching for an opportunity!  You can do a search for “realtors, hair stylists, etc.” by profession!  This is awesome, right?  I’ll also give you another tip, if you want to connect with more people on this platform without having to enter their email to connect with them, download the app on your phone and it will allow you to send connection requests!!  Another suggestion is to grab the book called, LinkedIn Riches. I actually downloaded it to my Kindle App and it was a quick read and packed full of great information!  It has pictures showing examples, tells you how to setup your profile, how to find people, what to do and what not to do because it’s very different from other social media sites like Facebook, so you might consider picking it up if you’re wanting to start tackling this platform. where to find prospects
  3. Facebook:  Now, if you’ve went through your friends list and talked to everyone, then I would suggest to continue building your network and what’s cool about this is Facebook actually has a list of “Suggested Friends” and this is where I go to send a request to 2-3 people a day.  Now, I don’t just go through adding just anyone to my personal page so if they seem like a positive person and I have around 50+ mutual friends, then I’ll likely send the request.  If you don’t know how to do this, simply go to your personal profile, click on “Friends,” then go to “Find Friends” (see picture below).  Once you click on that, it will list any pending Friend Requests you have and under that list, it will have “Suggested Friends” (see the next picture).  Again, just pay attention and be sure it’s someone you would want to connect with.  Also, if you’re browsing on your mobile device, suggested friends will typically pop up in your newsfeed but this is a great place to build your network and find prospects.   If you want to know more about Facebook, Click Here to get your FB Cheat Sheet!places to find prospects
  4. places to find prospectsFacebook Pages and Groups:  Chances are you’re in several groups and have liked several pages.  What You can do is go to those pages and find the ones that are the most active then start interacting within it.  Reply to comments that you like, add value, and simply start connecting with like-minded people.  I’ve actually met some amazing people this way.  Some I’ve reached out to and others have reached out to me.  Just be sure you are adding value here and not spamming.  
  5. Networking Events such as the Chamber of Commerce:  If you haven’t attended one of these, you could be missing out on building some great relationships and prospects.  Just google your local Chamber and contact them as the majority will have a networking event once a month or others events you can attend to meet people.  Keep in mind that the people who attend actually take the time to get ready and go because they too, want more!  I’ve gained customers and business partners through my local Chamber of Commerce.  
  6. BNI (Business Networking International): This is a group of professionals that meet each week, it’s built on the ‘givers gain’ concept, and is a great place to find prospects.  I was a member of a local BNI group for a year and I absolutely loved it!!  The great thing about BNI is that only one person can hold the seat for each category so there is only one realtor, one person for commercial lending, one for skincare, one for health and wellness, etc.  This eliminates the competition where you can really focus on helping each other build your businesses through referrals.  Again, I met some of the most amazing people, built relationships, helped them grow their business and my business grew as well.  You can go to and click on the “Find A Chapter” link to search for one local to you.  
  7. Church Events:  Church events are a great to build relationships and find prospects.  People at these events love being part of a community.  
  8. Car Windows or Decals:  The key here is to peak curiosity and not try and sell something.  Be sure to have your phone number on there as a way for people to connect with you.  
  9. Trade Show Booths:  In this case, I’m not saying to be the one who rents a booth, but go and connect with the businesses and people who HAVE rented a booth.  Why?  Because these are the people who have actually spent money and invested in their business.  These are great prospects!!  Go, get their business cards and follow up with them.  You can google local trade shows in your area.  
  10. Parent Sporting Events:  This is another great place to find prospects and start connecting with others.  It’s no surprise that most parents wish they spent more time with their children.  You never know who you can help make that a reality for!

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂

Was that helpful?  If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit.

*Are you looking for a mentor to help you with your marketing?  Check out my options on my Coaching Page Here.*

txt me @ 731-926-6412


Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Sherri Brown Coaching

P.S. If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An ONLINE Marketing Blueprint In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!

21 thoughts on “MLM Tips: 10 Places to Find Prospects”

  1. As always Sherri…perfect!! Thank you!!! I need help to know where to reach. Also, what to say to complete strangers I’m trying to prospect on FB, Linkin, sporting events or church…..just the same thing I say to Family & Friends????

    1. Thank you Dawn! When it comes to what to say, I have a couple of different ways I might reach out initially. Keep an eye out and I’ll give you some language to use in tomorrow’s blog post! In the meantime, check out this past post
      The initial message in that blog post is great for offline prospecting and I give you follow-up and closing language there as well.

  2. You’ve won me over on point 8! I have always said that decals were pointless, but you have a good point here. As long as you’re driving the interest to you and not your company they can be beneficial. Cheers for the LinkedIn tips too. That’ll get me off to a good start with that.

  3. I haven’t hopped on the LinkedIn train yet so I love your coverage of that platform. I need to get busy with that! Thanks for the reading suggestion 🙂

  4. Chandresh Detwas

    Can you tell me how to conversation with unknown friends on Facebook…My MLM business is not growth…I started this business before 16 months… something please.. Reply fast

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