Why Network Marketing Has A Bad Reputation

Why Network Marketing Has A Bad Reputation

Have you came across people who seem very skeptical when it comes to joining you in your Network Marketing business?

I know I have and therefore today I wanted to talk about why network marketing has a bad rep and what you can do to change it.  Feel free to also share this to help us raise the bar in the profession.

More Resources:

Free Training: How To Brand Yourself Online, Like A Pro, Even If You’re New!

MLM Tips: The types of posts that repel 

MLM Tips: The biggest investment you can make

Why Network Marketing Has A Bad Rep

If you think about it, every other profession there is (whether that be a doctor, lawyer, accountant, realtor, nurse, CNA, etc) a certification process you have to go through before you’re actually able to go out there and practice.

However, that’s not the case when it comes to the network marketing and home business profession.  Don’t get me wrong, I think this industry is by far the most equal opportunity employer out there but the biggest pro is also one of the biggest cons.

Let me explain.  So in the industry, you can literally start your own business for less than $1000.  If you think about it, that is crazy awesome!!  I mean, the costs are very minimal and that’s great that literally anyone can go into business at any time.  The problem however, is that ANYONE can do it and most don’t take it seriously nor do most actually invest any time or money to learn the proper skills to create a successful business.

This is especially true on social media when most of what you see is millions of people doing nothing but pitching and spammy because they aren’t taking the time to learn proper marketing.  Don’t get your panties in a twist…. I did it to in the beginning.  So when you have millions of people out there going about it the wrong way and not putting any time or money into their business, well…. you see how others could be skeptical or think “Geesh, I don’t want to bug my friends or just go out there pitching like all those other people”.

If you want people to start taking this industry seriously, then YOU must do your part and raise the bar for this profession.  Watch the video below (start at minute 3 because this was a facebook like that I did) where I share more insight into this topic.

🤔🤔Why Network Marketing has a bad rep and what you can do to change it.

If you got value, feel free to spread the ❤️ and mention someone you know, below 👇🏼👇🏼

Posted by Sherri Brown on Saturday, August 6, 2016


The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂  

Was that helpful?  If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit.

*Are you ready to cut your learning curve and start marketing in a way that attracts people?  Check out my options on my Coaching Page Here.*



txt me @ 731-926-6412

Email: Sherri@SherriBrownCoaching.com  

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P.S. If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An ONLINE Marketing Blueprint In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!

11 thoughts on “Why Network Marketing Has A Bad Reputation”

  1. That is so true Sherri. A lot of people come into the industry because they can start a business for less than $1000, but most aren’t willing to invest in themselves, work hard, and learn what it takes to be successful in this industry.

  2. Setting Big Goals and keeping my dreams constantly in my mind helps keep me focused on never stopping and to push myself to develop the skills to attract success into my business. You are correct, the low price point make it too easy for folks to always look for the least expensive option to grow their business! Great post!

  3. Sherri, you nailed all of this perfectly!! Anyone is indeed permitted to get started, yet most don’t take it serious. Never make anything happen, and tarnish the name once they are done with a weak attempt to do a company opportunity. Unrealistic expectations set in place is a huge reason behind so many unprofessional marketers who never make anything out of the opportunity. But we will make things better, one piece of content at a time.

  4. Right, people don’t take it seriously and some even end up ruining their reputation with family and friends. I love that I’m starting to feel better about my relationships and rebuild myself. Thank you for your message here!

  5. Totally agree Sherri, the easier you make it to start a business, the more likely the skeptical generation are to label it a con or a scam. People should take on board the fact that our industry has been going for decades and there are some of the most reputable people on Earth, in it.. thanks for sharing..

  6. Great post Sheri!

    So many people are marketing the wrong way and it’s the companies who are telling everyone is their prospect – and that’s why to me it’s getting a bad rap.

    When we have people like you and leaders teaching people how to market the right way, in time minds will change about the profession

    Dr. Lisa

  7. Excellent post Sherri! I couldn’t agree more, so many people have given this industry a bad wrap because of what a few have failed at doing. Just like being a Dr you have to continually practice your skills to excel. Thanks for the great share!

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