mlm tips

MLM Tips: How To Connect With Your Leads

Today, I’ll be sharing some of my best mlm tips on how to connect with your leads. 

In the short video below, I’ll share insight into not only the leads you generate through your website but also on social media (for those who might not have a blog). 

More Resources:

Review: Why I Use My Lead System Pro

9 Places to Find MLM Leads

3 Ways to Generate More Leads

What Is Generating Leads?

I’ll give you a couple of examples here.  The first is if you have a website and someone goes to a capture page and enters their name and email in exchange for some type of giveaway.  I have quite a few free resources that people can grab.  Once they enter their info, that means I have generated a lead. Make sense?

Now, if you are marketing your product, service, or opportunity on social media and someone reaches out to you wanting more information, that is also considered a lead. 

This is why implementing attraction marketing principles into your business can be so powerful.  By learning marketing, you are able to create leverage in your business that will allow you to work smarter and not harder.  For example, I have created tons of blog posts and videos that are out there working for me, even in my sleep.  I have literally woken up to leads in my inbox and signups into my business and you can too!

Training Video: How To Connect With Your Leads

I had someone reach out to me asking what they should do with the leads they’re generating.  In the short video, I share some mlm tips on exactly what to do.

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂  

Was that helpful?  If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit.


*Are you looking for a mentor to help you with your marketing?  Check out my options on my Coaching Page Here.*

txt me @ 731-926-6412


Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Sherri Brown Coaching

P.S. If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An ONLINE Marketing Blueprint In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!


26 thoughts on “MLM Tips: How To Connect With Your Leads”

  1. All around great tips, when more people come from a place of servant-hood the more people they’ll be able to help and grow their business. Undercover the needs of the client, so you can recommend a product that fits their needs.

  2. Great post Sherri! We should always make it about your prospect, how can you solve their problem. Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up, so many people leave it at one or two contacts and then move on. We have to continue until we solve their problem. Thanks for the nuggets Sherri!

  3. This was so on point! It’s about connecting and finding out what they need. Questions lead to confessions. Phenomenal content as always Sherri!

    1. Thank you Joseph and yes, it’s all about getting good at asking questions so you can uncover their need.

  4. So many people talk to their leads with making money in their thoughts. When they switch that around to trying to help people they will see their business grow.

  5. Hi Sherri,

    Approaching people with the intention to help and serve is a win-win for all. Not only do they open up more it is easier to uncover their needs because it lowers resistance.

    Great tip. 🙂

    1. Thank you and you’re so welcome Kaaren, I have asked that question and people didn’t understand so I definitely wanted to put that in there.

  6. This is where a lot of people struggle. Once they get the leads, connecting is sometimes challenging. You’ve given me some great ideas here and to focus on their needs. I also realised that I need to change the questions I ask so I can dig deeper and find what they really need and serve them to the best of my ability.

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