Go For No

MLM Tips: Go For No!

Has the fear of rejection ever kept you from moving forward?  Have you ever had a few people tell you “no” and that take you out of action for a few days, weeks, or completely?  I get it, I would be lying if I told you I’ve never gotten down and out because of it.  However, I’m going to share with you a book that completely changed the way I view rejection.  It’s called, Go For No by Andrea Waltz and Richard Fenton.  I kept hearing how it was a great book so I downloaded it on my phone and literally couldn’t put it down. I had a major Ah-Ha moment (probably more than one) and I’m going to go over some things that stood out to me the most so that you no longer run from failure but you embrace it!


The fear of rejection is probably the biggest factor that kills ‘would-be’ successful people.  Go For No is a fictionalized story about a salesman who wakes up in a strange place, only to discover that it’s not just any place, it’s his house!  An extremely successful, future version of himself, if he can only learn to do one simple thing.

There are some major takeaways but I’m only going to talk about a few of them.Go For No

In the story, the defining moment for the “Successful Eric” was a day when he made a huge sale. His district manager had came in and Eric wanted to impress him as sales were down.  Soon after, a gentleman walked in and stated he wanted to buy a new wardrobe and within 30 minutes, he made his biggest sale ever of $1,100!  Needless to say, he was extremely proud.  The district manager wasn’t impressed though and asked him, “I’m just curious, but what did that customer say no to?” The customer hadn’t said no to anything and it was then when Eric realized it wasn’t the customer who ended the sale, it was him.  See, because Eric himself had never spent that much, he didn’t think anyone else should.  His manager then said, “Eric, your fear of hearing the word ‘no’ is the only thing standing between you and greatness.”

For Eric and many others they see Success and Failure at opposite ends. (like the picture below)

Go For NoMost will also do everything to move away from failure and toward success.  However, what you should realize is that, “failure is the halfway mark on the road to success, not a destination to be avoided but rather a stepping stone to get what you really want.”  

Go For NoI’ll give you an example.  My daughter is 2 years old and loves popsicles.  There have been more times than I can count where she will ask me for one before a meal and I’ll tell her no and usuallySherri Brown one of two things will happen, she will continue asking until I give in or she’ll simply go ask her daddy (without knowing I said no) and he’ll tell her yes.  See, for her, she learns that if she pushes long enough and doesn’t quit, she’ll more than likely get a yes from someone.  Yes, that’s my daughter to the right after getting her popsicle.    

“Somewhere along the line that natural sense of tenacity we had as children got drummed out of us.  As adults, we forget that.”  If you really look at what sets those who are successful apart from those who aren’t, it’s their willingness to fail!  

Successful people fail eagerly while failures avoid failing.  The whole point of becoming willing to fail more is to become a success, so that one day you won’t be forced to look back on your life and say to yourself, “I’m a failure.”

Go For No: The Five Failure Levels

Go For NoGo For No

I’m not one to normally make guarantee’s but I will say that reading this book will absolutely change the way you view rejection and failure.  If it’s something you struggle with, I suggest you Click Here to Grab Your Copy Today!

Additional Training:

If you’d like more training, we are doing a free webinar tonight at 9pm EST about how to take any business off the streets and onto the internet.  Click Here to Register.  

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂

Did you find this helpful?  If so, feel free to comment below and share it with your team so they can benefit too.

txt me @ 731-926-6412

Email: Sherri@SherriBrownCoaching.com 

Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

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P.S. Don’t forget to Click Here to Get My FREE Top Earner Success Guide. 

Also, If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and You Don’t Have An Online Marketing Strategy In Place, Click Here for Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!

20 thoughts on “MLM Tips: Go For No!”

    1. Thank you so much Andrea for taking the time to read it. Your book has helped me so much on my own journey and my goal is to spread the word to help as many others as possible.

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