mlm success tips

MLM Success Tips: The Power of an Accountability Partner

Sometimes being an entrepreneur can make you feel that you’re doing this alone, especially if you aren’t super close to your upline. However, it doesn’t have to be that way.  Today, I’m going to be sharing some mlm success tips and the power of an accountability partner.  

Having someone to talk to on a daily or weekly basis can have a huge, positive impact on your business and can definitely help you through some of those tough times you’ll face!

When you find the right one, they’re going to help you go that extra mile, they’re gonna be your biggest cheerleader, they’re going to help hold you accountable to your goals and they’re going to push you. This can be a huge asset to really get you to the next level. 

More Resources:

MLM Success Tips: 5 Areas To Invest In When It Comes To Your Business

MLM Success Tips: The Best Marketing Strategy

{FREE TRAINING} How a Stay At Home Mom & Recovering Spammer Quadrupled Her Annual Income in One Year & How You Can Too! Once you enter your info, the replay will be sent to your email inbox!

MLM Success Tips: The Power of an Accountability Partner

One of the big perks of having an accountability partner is to be able to bounce ideas off of each other. I’ve got two accountability partners personally and we kind of work together as a team and we’ll share what is working or not working for us.  This could be about a specific marketing strategy, ads, prospecting, etc.  

I’ve had one of my accountability partners for over a year and what’s cool is we met when we were both a the bottom level and when I first hit rank, they did right after.. I hit the second rank… then they did and so on until now I’ve hit the 5th rank and they will be hitting it soon!  Having someone there to push you and empower you to keep going, to get better, is invaluable!   

As I was researching a little on this topic, I came across a study that I wanted to share.  The study was about goal achievement and it was conducted by a psych professor from the Dominican University in California. During the study, results showed that people who wrote down their goals, shared them with a friend and then sent weekly updates were on average 33% more successful in accomplishing those goals. That is powerful!

I’ll also share that one of the students inside Total Marketing Immersion (our live bootcamp) actually considered quitting at one point recently.  I didn’t know this until we had gotten on the phone to do a strategy session and she said that her accountability partner has really empowered her and if it weren’t for her, she probably would have quit.  WOW!!! See, a lot of times it’s easy to consider giving up on ourselves but it’s less likely to happen when you have someone else counting on you and rooting for you along the way!  

Now, I want to give you some tips when it comes to finding the right one for you!  Having an accountability partner just for the sake of it, isn’t going to help much.  You have to find THE RIGHT ONE for YOU!  

Tips when it comes to finding the right accountability partner for you

sherri brown#1 Find someone who is as committed as you are. Because if you are all in and they are very wishy-washy, guess what? It’s not going to work.

#2 Find someone who’s not only using similar strategies as you but someone who has similar goals.  

If you’re using Facebook but their main social media platform is twitter, it’s going to be kind of hard to work together and bounce ideas in regards to what’s helping you when both of these platforms are totally different.  Make sense?  

#3 Make sure that you are picking someone who has a positive mindset. You don’t want to pick someone who’s negative and has that scarcity mentality.

#4 Find someone who is definitely going to push you out of your comfort zone and keep you in check. That is super important.

#5 An accountability partner doesn’t have to be someone who’s on your team. Honestly you don’t even have to get one within your same company (but it does make it easier if you do).

#6 After finding the right accountability partner, make sure that you’re constantly checking in with this person, too, because this is super critical.

#7 I also like the fact that my two accountability partners have strengths that are my weaknesses.  For example, I am NOT techie!  To be honest, I don’t enjoy techie stuff like building websites or capture pages but I know they are necessary for my business.  Therefore, one of my accountability partners (Jelena) is super techie and a lot of the times, I’ll outsource things to her!  In return, I’m pretty good at the marketing and branding aspect where she isn’t.  So when she has someone who is struggling in this department, that’s where my strengths come into play.  Kay is our other accountability partner and he is great when it comes to copywriting and this again, is an area that Jelena and I aren’t the best at.  Make sense?

So combined, we’re a powerhouse trio (The 3 Musketeers) lol  

Now this doesn’t have to be set in stone but I do find that pairing up with someone who is great at something that I’m not, it’s just better all the way around!  

The main thing I would stay away from and avoid when looking for someone to pair up with is someone with a negative attitude!  They say you’re the sum of the five people you’re around the most so be very careful and choose wisely!  You may have to go through a few people before you find the right one that clicks with you, your goals, your personality, your style, etc!

I can tell you from personal experience that having an accountability partner has absolutely changed my life and business. There are so many awesome people out there so find someone you mesh well with and watch the magic unfold. 🙂

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂  

Was that helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit.

txt me @ 731-926-6412


Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Sherri Brown Coaching

P.S. If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An ONLINE Marketing Blueprint In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!


12 thoughts on “MLM Success Tips: The Power of an Accountability Partner”

  1. “An accountability partner doesn’t have to be someone who’s on your team. Honestly you don’t even have to get one within your same company (but it does make it easier if you do).”

    Lotta truth to that statement, Sherri. It eliminates competition if you aren’t doing precisely the same activity.

  2. Thank you SO much for this valuable post. I have forwarded this to a dear friend of mine who I asked to be my accountability partner.
    Positive ✔
    Goal oriented ✔
    Same industry but different company ✔
    …thank you 😊

  3. I have found that having multiple accountability partners has pushed me to get things done. My morning workout (my hubby) and my business (I have multiple) really help me on days that I need a push. I also give them motivation when they need a push too!

    1. That’s awesome and definitely helps to keep you motivated! I like that you have multiple partners for different things too!

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