mlm success tips

MLM Success Tips: Algorithm Hacks To Help You Stand Out On Social Media

Have you noticed lately on Facebook that your posts seem to not be getting near the engagement as they used to?  Like all of the sudden your posts simply aren’t being seen within the past couple of weeks?

I went Live on Facebook a few times after researching the changes that took place to share some mlm success tips and also give some hacks to get your posts seen (whether on your personal profile or your business page) in more people’s newsfeed.  Today, I’ll be sharing those videos in one blog post so you can easily bookmark and refer back to it.

I will also note that normally I never do posts this long but I was asked by a few people so they could have them all in one place.  Feel free to share with your team and also understand that technology and algorithms change often.

More Resources:

How to brand yourself online, like a pro (Free Training)

MLM Success Tips: How to create curiosity

Review: Why I use My Lead System Pro

What Are Some of the new Algorithm Changes & How You Can Stand Out

When I came back from vacation I noticed a big drop in engagement and immediately new that Facebook had made some changes.  I began searching to figure out what changes were made when I came across a guy named John-Erik who is super techy and knows a ton about the topic.  In the three videos below, I share information about why these changes were made, a few things that goes into the algorithm, along with giving you hacks.

Now, by implementing the tips I share I also show you what it’s done for my fan page and the increase I’ve gotten so you know that it’s working for me and I’m not just telling you. 🙂

This first video was all about why the changes took place.  The first two are unedited so fast forward through the first couple of minutes.

Changes To The Algorithm

Some changes have taken place that can definitely impact you on the platform.

Help me spread the word and feel free to mention someone below you’d like to help.

Posted by Sherri Brown on Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The second video is where I share 5 algorithm hacks to get your posts seen in the newsfeed of more people!!  Enjoy!

5 Algorithm Hacks To Get Your Posts Seen In More People’s Newsfeed

Spread the ❤️❤️ if you got value!

Posted by Sherri Brown on Saturday, July 9, 2016

The last video (edited down) I share with you one major part of the algorithm and two hacks to help you out.

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂  

Was that helpful?  If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit.


*Are you looking for a mentor to help you with your marketing?  Check out my options on my Coaching Page Here.*

txt me @ 731-926-6412


Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Sherri Brown Coaching

P.S. If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An ONLINE Marketing Blueprint In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!

16 thoughts on “MLM Success Tips: Algorithm Hacks To Help You Stand Out On Social Media”

  1. Awesome value!!! A ton of help here Sherri!!! The hacks will soon be implemented and We will certainly be sharing!!! Thank you for your leadership!!!

  2. Thanks for the information, making sure you have a relationship with the people on facebook has been a big thing since the beginning.
    Want to advertise your business buy an ad … Facebook is social media and this change is just pushing it more that way, who your friends and family.
    Go out and meet in the people who are your “Friends” on Facebook.

    1. You’re welcome Mike and yes, the change is definitely impacting those trying to “sale” on their profiles.

  3. Sooooo much great information i can’t even explain it! It’s awesome to see people who really want to help other people out there and are actually doing it by providing great value and training.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

  4. Excellent Post! I love facebook because of the ads, but It sad that they have to keep so many people from seeing posts. I’ve been my own research and totally agree with what you are saying. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you April and yes, unless people have a very receptive and engaged audience, it will be a little harder to get your posts seen without paying for ads.

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