9 time management tips to help you conquer your day

9 Time Management Tips to Help You Conquer Your Day

Do you feel like you constantly have your phone in your hand working your business? 

Do you have a hard time turning it off and just struggle with managing your time?  

I used to be the same and therefore today I wanted to share 9 time management tips that I’ve learned along the way that have really help me! 

9 Time Management Tips to Help You Conquer Your Day

1.  Think about how many hours a day you’re going to work your business.

If you have a regular job, you might have fewer hours during the week than you do on the weekends.  But, regardless of your time, determine how many hours a day you’re going to work your business.  This could be 2 hours, 4 hours, it’s totally up to you.  If you’re a stay-at-home mom, your working hours can be when your kids are in school or maybe during nap time.

If you never set any hours, it’s going to be hard to turn it off and even turn it on so simply sit down and determine what it’s going to be and you’ll be more conscious of your time.  

2.  Sit down and have a talk with your family.

Tell them exactly what you’ll be doing and what your goals are.  Tell your family how many hours you’ll be working your business each day.  Again, by talking to them and getting them on board, it will be helpful to keep you on track. 

3.  Create a daily method of operation for yourself.

If you’re not really sure of what you will be doing, here are 5 things to help create your daily routine:

      > Personal development.

      > Schedule out time to implement and take action on what you learned.

      > Content creation. It can be a blog post, a video, status update, or just something that solves the problems of those you’re trying to attract.

      > Admin activities such as checking emails, checking with your customers and getting with your team, etc.

      > Prospecting

4.  Set timers on each activity that you do.

There should only be a certain amount of time spent on each of your tasks.  After coaching lots of people, time management was a problem for most.  If you’re spending all of your time reading and learning but never implementing, your business isn’t going to grow.  

Therefore, if you find yourself struggling with time spent on certain tasks, setting a timer is an excellent idea. 

So if you have 30-minutes for personal development, just set an alarm on your phone or get a kitchen timer.  When the timer gets off, you’re done with that activity and you can move on to the next one.

I would also recommend that during each task you turn off all distractions so you can be laser focused which in turn will allow you to get way more done in a shorter amount of time.  

5.  Set certain times you’re not going to work your business.

It’s important to have some off limit times in your business.  This could be during dinner time or breakfast where you’re just enjoying your family and having conversations. It could be that you’re going to spend a few quality hours with your kids throughout the day. Maybe one day a week is family time where you unplug for 24 hours.

Whatever you decide to do, just put your phone in another room or put it on silent and just have certain times blocked off.  Same goes for vacation!  Put it on the schedule because if you don’t, it’s less likely to happen and let’s face it, we all need time to just unplug and live life! 🙂 

6.  Either get up earlier or stay up later.

My little girl loves to sleep in, so a lot of times I’ll set my alarm clock and get up earlier than she does to work on certain tasks in my business.  So at this very moment, she’s still snoozing and I’m writing this article.

This is great for those with kids or even those of you who might work a full time job and just need a little extra time each day for your side business.

So either getting up earlier than normal or staying up a little later can help.  

7.  For those with kids, hire a sitter.

This is something that I personally implemented in my business. Every Monday my daughter goes and stays with my mom, we call it “Nanny Time” and because of that, Mondays are generally my long day, that’s when I get most of my stuff accomplished that needs a little more focus.

On Thursdays and Fridays, she goes to preschool and these are also days that I work on projects or take calls with my clients or team.  I’m not saying you have to hire someone 5 days a week but even if it’s for a couple of hours a day or a few times a week, it will allow you to get some work done without having to constantly start and stop. 

8.  Delegate and outsource certain tasks.

This tip has really changed my business. Delegating and outsourcing has totally freed up so much of my time and has allowed me to be more productive.

Just remember that you are only one person and you cannot do it all.  Honestly, there was a point in my business where I just felt like I was doing everything and in the process I felt like I was beginning to burn out, my family was upset because they felt like I was never there even though I was sitting in the same room (can you relate?).  

My best tip for outsourcing is thinking about the most time consuming activities that aren’t income producing and start there!  

9.  Start creating some leverage!

You might be thinking, “What’s that got to do with time management?”

So take for instance, I have had numerous clients who are in network marketing who have told me the majority of their time is spent training their team.  They have no system in place and no leverage so they end up basically repeating themselves to different team members over and over and over and it’s just not the best use of your time. 

Instead of doing that, why not start getting systems in place for your team?  When someone asks you a question, start recording a video and then put that in a private Facebook group or put it on YouTube.  Then, when someone asks you a question you point them to the video.  Viola!!


More Resources:

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂  

Was that helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit.

txt me @ 731-926-6412

Email: Sherri@SherriBrownCoaching.com  

Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Sherri Brown Coaching

P.S. If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An ONLINE Marketing Blueprint In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!


3 thoughts on “9 Time Management Tips to Help You Conquer Your Day”

  1. I’ve started doing more leverage of creating content to direct people to when they have questions…

    It get more leads and sales that way too 🙂

    Great stuff as always Sherri!

    Dr. Lisa

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