5 MLM Tips To Keep You Motivated

5 MLM Tips To Keep You Motivated

Do you ever find yourself going hard one day and then losing motivation the next?  Maybe you just can’t figure out how to stay consistent and on from day to day?

If so, I’m going to be sharing 5 MLM tips to keep you motivated.

More Resources:

25 Inspirational quotes to keep you going

MLM Tips: The upside to uphill battles

4 Ways to crush those limiting beliefs

Tips To Keep You Motivated


#1 Remember why you got started in the first place

When it’s hard to keep your motivation, think back and remember why you got started.  Remember how excited and fired up you were?  What made you jump on the opportunity?  Sometimes, just stepping back and remembering this will help kickstart you back into action.

#2 Think about the alternative

This is one thing I learned from Ray Higdon that has really helped me in the past.  Ask yourself what happens if you fail and don’t succeed?  Will you not be able to put back money for your kids education?  Will you not be able to take that family vacation you’ve wanted to?  Will you have to continue struggling to make ends meet?  Will you have to forego that time freedom and continue working long hours?

Thinking about all the things that you won’t be able to do can drastically help get you back in action.

#3 Create your vision

Your vision is different from your “why”.  A “why” is typically external as to where a vision is more internal.  So your “why” may be to retire your spouse but your vision is more WHO you want to become.  For me, I want to make an impact on as many people as I can, while I’m here.  That’s very different from just wanting to make some extra money.  Make sense?

I have found that since writing out the vision of who I wanted to become, that it’s really helped to pull me to do those daily actions I need to do, even when I don’t feel like it.

Training Video

For the last two tips, watch the video below.

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂  

Was that helpful?  If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit.

*Are you looking for a mentor to help you with your marketing?  Check out my options on my Coaching Page Here.*

txt me @ 731-926-6412

Email: Sherri@SherriBrownCoaching.com  

Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

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P.S. If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and Your Upline Doesn’t have An ONLINE Marketing Blueprint In Place, Click Here For Access. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!

10 thoughts on “5 MLM Tips To Keep You Motivated”

  1. I heard that if you are the smartest person in the room you’re in the wrong room! Getting around the right people will make you step your game up big time! Creating your vision is something so many people miss. They start a business with the goal of just making money or buying stuff. That’s not going to be enough to help push you through the tough times like you mentioned. Having that vision of who you want to become will help get you through the tough times and tough times are going to come when you are working for yourself.

    The other point you brought up about thinking about the alternative was very good too. If someone is stuck in a dead in job or maybe a job they hate that can sometimes be enough to keep them motivated to keep pressing forward. Life and business is all about choices. You have control over what decisions and choices you make.

    Great content Sherri! Thanks for putting this training together.

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