3 ways to generate more leads

3 Ways to Generate More Leads

Have you been looking for some creative ways to generate more leads online or offline but not sure how?  The big question for most in Network Marketing (or any industry for that matter) is, “Where do I find people to talk to?”  I listened to a webinar last week and wanted to share with you three ideas on how to generate leads for your business.

3 Ways to Generate More Leads:

how to generate more leadsEvents.  I would suggest finding good Networking events close to you.  This could be events held by the Chamber of Commerce, Bridal Shows, Expo’s, among many others.  If you’re not sure where to find these, just google events in your area and several should come up.  You can see how simple it is by looking at the picture to the left.  The first thing that popped up has over 300 events so I’m sure I could find a few that would be fun.  The key is to go to these events and NOT PITCH anything!  The point is to go and actually network.  Don’t take business cards yourself, instead, meet people, ask questions, listen to what they’re saying, grab their business card and then follow up with them the next day.  I can assure you not many people are doing this.  I’ve been to numerous events in the past and used to take a stack of cards with me and you know how many people followed up with me….maybe two!  However, that’s why YOU should be the one getting the cards so YOU can follow up, and use some of the language I suggested in my last post.  Mind you, this is not an aggressive way to generate leads so don’t be scared.  I’ll also note that because it’s getting close to Christmas time, there will be tons of events you can attend!!  

Post-It Notes.  This doesn’t have a high hustler rank at all but if you were to spend 4-5 hours ahow to generate more leads week doing this, it’s estimated you can get 15+ leads a day.  What you do is take 100 post-it notes out and take them to high traffic areas like gas pumps, the mall, grocery stores, etc. You can have something on them like, “Superstars only- make $500-$5000+ a month” (or whatever you want to put on it).  You can also add on them, “Don’t even call unless you are a producer and can prove it.”  Now, when they call and ask you what it is, you can say, “That’s a long conversation but we can go into it if we determine we want to move forward.”  Then, I would just begin asking them qualifying questions like the one’s below.  

  • “Why would you consider yourself a producer?”
  • “What are your goals?”
  • “What is it you’re looking for?”

Webinars.  If you hosted free webinars for your target market where you gave them tips and added value, you will be able to generate leads.  Obviously this is an online method but a great way to help many others who are not local to you.  You will want to ask them a question in the beginning so you can find out their pain.  Also, at the end, be sure to have some type of Call to Action!  You never want to assume your prospects know what to do next so just tell them.  

If you liked this and would like 7 MORE ways to generate leads, Click Here to Check out the Full Webinar.

The Tools I Use to Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use so I’ve put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂

Did you find this helpful?  If so, feel free to comment below and share it with your team so they can benefit too.

txt me @ 731-926-6412

Email: Sherri@SherriBrownCoaching.com 

Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Sherri Brown Coaching

P.S. If you are in the Industry and you’ve been looking for more resources to help you grow YOUR business, Click Here to Get My FREE Top Earner Success Guide

Also, If You Aren’t Generating Leads Into Your Business and You Don’t Have An Online Marketing Strategy In Place, Click Here to Learn More. (Unless you have too many leads already)

See Ya Next Time!

4 thoughts on “3 Ways to Generate More Leads”

  1. Post it notes are brilliant. I like to do most of my lead generation online but it’s easy to overlook something as simple as that. We can find some top quality people through this.

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